'Addarea' - Winton
'Addarea' - Winton
3,989 Ha Or Approx 9,857 Acres
Location: Addarea is located opposite the Crawford Creek rest area on the Landsborough Highway and is approximately 45km from Winton and 135km from Longreach.
The property is very well positioned for breeding, backgrounding or fattening cattle or sheep, as it has good access to the live export cattle market through Townsville or Cloncurry as well as the meatworks, feedlots and store selling centres to the south. The cattle yards are only 1.5km from the highway therefore it’s a great position to spell, or top up cattle on their way to the markets in the south. Addarea is in a tick free area.
Facilities / Services: Winton has the usual rural shopping, schools, government agency, hospital, cattle yards with weighing facilities and rail trucking facilities. Commercial air services run twice a week from Winton to Townsville and Brisbane, along with a daily bus service from Winton.
Addarea has full mobile phone coverage.
Rainfall: 414 mm or 16.5 inch long term Winton district average. Addarea is enjoying a very good start to the 2023 summer season rainfall, following on from a very good 2022 season when it received 633mm of rain.
Area and Tenure:
Lot 6 AE118 – Freehold – 3,989.113 Ha (approximately 9,857 Ac)
Local Government: Winton Shire Council
Rates: Approximately $2400 half yearly
Rates will be recalculated once Department of Resources has issued separate valuation.
Country: The country is a very good mix of high quality chocolate and grey pebbly soils, interspersed with two small creek systems adding to the diversity and balance of the pasture. The lighter carrying sweet, quick responding creek flats balance out the heavy carrying Mitchell grass open downs with areas of soft Flinders grass downs, that grow excellent summer and winter herbage when in season.
The native timber is mostly light stands of Whitewood and Vinetree with Coolibah trees along the creek systems. 100% usable, productive, low cost and high weight gain producing country.
There is a good spread of Buffel grass along the creek systems and amongst the Vinetree/Whitewood ridges. Button grass, pigweed and other summer herbages are mostly growing on the claypan flats out from the creek channels.
Waters: Addarea has a quarter share in the Vindex Bore that is located on the adjoining stock route. It was drilled to a depth of 1051 metres into the Artesian Basin in 1985 and is jointly owned by four neighbouring properties. Electricity costs are shared six ways and include the Main Roads Department who use water for the Crawford Creek rest area and the Winton Shire Council who use water for the stock route facilities.
Water from this bore is pumped into a large turkey nest and is then gravity fed through approximately 10km of 1.5” poly pipe to 5 troughs, 3 turkey nests and 1 tank at the cattle yards. There is another 6.5km of 2” poly pipe running from the Vindex bore to one trough.
Addarea owns one pump that pushes water from the Vindex Bore storage nest to the turkey nest located in Newlands paddock.
There is an additional 1.7km of poly pipe that is owned by the main roads department which supplies excess water to the Crawford Creek rest area. There is one dam and a large freshly desilted Billabong to back up the bore water supply. There is a fall of approximately 20 metres from the Vindex bore to the furthest water point.
Fencing: The property is well fenced with dual purpose sheep/cattle boundary and internal fencing that is in good to very good stock proof condition. The fencing is either 5 plain and 1 barb or 4 plain and 2 barb, fenced into 2 large paddocks.
Yards: The cattle yards, located only 1.5km from the highway are mostly steel portable panels with a permanent steel yard for the 5 way pound draft. The yards have a water trough, race with vet crush and calf branding cradle. There is a tank at the yards and petrol motor pump to water the yards when required. There are no other structural improvements apart from the yards.
Carrying Capacity: Over many years, the vendors have been running 200 to 240 Charolais breeders and removing their progeny at weaning. The stocking numbers are adjusted as the seasonal conditions dictates. Addarea is currently running 210 breeders, 6 bulls and their progeny.
Agents Remarks: This is a great opportunity to purchase a very well-positioned, Mitchell grass downs freehold block that has capacity to run either a cattle or sheep enterprise. A property, with great access which would be ideal for either breeding, backgrounding or fattening . Ticks all the boxes – very good country, pasture, water, fencing and position.