Angus, Braford, Charolais, Crossbred, Droughtmaster, Purebred, Santa Gertrudis, Other
405 - 574 Kg To Average 484 Kg Curfewed
22 VGQ PTIC CFA Crossbred Cows. Majority Exhibit Very Good Bone, Length, Depth and Frame. Majority of the Cows have tidy heads, good feet & are quiet. They come from a Highly Regarded Herd & are ideally suited to calve down, split & fatten. Cows weighed 300 – 574 kg to average 484 kg after 20 hours off feed & limited access to water, so would expect a big pickup on fresh feed. The Cows range from 2 – 13 years of age with 17 x head 10 years or older & the remainder 2 – 9 years. They are PTIC from 4 – 8 months to VGQ Santa, Braford & Simmental Bulls. There is 1 x Heifer that is 4 months in calf with the remainder of the Cows 6 months plus. There are 12 x Santas, 5 x Brafords, 3 x Santa/Charolais Cross, 1 x Santa/Angus Cross & 1 x Simmental Cross. There are 2 x Heifers, 5 x Sound Mouth Cows, 10 x Evenly Worn & 5 x Broken Mouths (4 x Cows missing 1 tooth & 1 x Cow missing 4 teeth). Vendor has 4 decks of Cows & Calves on Auctionsplus Friday 17th January that could be used to make up a truck.