Angus, Brangus, Crossbred, Santa Gertrudis, Other
0 tooth (less than 20mths)
148 - 252 Kg To Average 210.2 Kg
176 VGQ Vendor Bred Speckle Cross Weaned Heifers. Majority Exhibit Good Bone, Length, Depth and Frame for their age considering the season. Ideal Heifers to retain as Future Breeders with no pick taken out of them. They are also well suited to grow out to Trade or Heavy Feeder weights or take through to Slaughter. They are Very Quiet, have Good Feet & come from a Highly Regarded Herd. They were weaned in September so have lost all associated bloom & will power ahead on good feed There are 171 x Soft Crossbreds suitable for the Supermarket Trade & 5 x Flatbacks. Bernborough is Prickly Acacia Free, Heifers are PCAS Eligible & 100% were weighed & assessed. Vendor has another 2 mobs of Heavier Heifers in the same sale. *Please refer to delivery comments.*