114 HGP Free Vendor Bred Crossbred and Brahman # 3 weaner heifers. Ideal heifers to grow out to domestic feeder weights or a percentage would be suitable to carry through to breeders. The heifers range from 180 to 298 kg and averaged 240 kg at assessment. They were weaned in two groups last year so have a range of weights. Bred in the Mt Isa uplands country these heifers will power ahead on better quality feed. They have good feet and majority have been well dehorned. The few horned ones in assessment have only short weaner horns. 4 heifers were observed with a slightly larger than normal navels but not a hernia. These heifers are being offered dollars per head, guaranteed clear of dip at the Cloncurry Saleyards on Monday 6th May. Vendor has 3 decks of weaner steers in the same sale.