Angus, Braford, Brangus, Crossbred, Droughtmaster, Hereford, Purebred, Santa Gertrudis, Other
0 tooth (less than 20mths)
Weight Range (kg)
250 - 370 Kg To Av 286.3 Kg
108 GQ Vendor Bred Braford Cross Heifers. Majority Exhibit Medium Bone, Length, Depth and Frame for their age. Ideal Heifers to background to Feeder weights with the pick suitable for Replacement Females. They are acclimatised to Grass, Mulga & Spinifex so can handle all types of country. Majority have Good Feet & Tidy Heads & were weighed after 18 hours off feed & intermittent access to water. Take note of the compensatory weight gain available in these Heifers if put onto fresh feed. They were all mouthed milk teeth & PTE at assessment for buyer confidence. There is 1 x Heifer with blue eye scarring in offside eye. Coralton has some Prickly Acacia in the paddock these Heifers came out of. Vendor has 6 decks of lighter heifers in the same sale. It would be appreciated if buyers could deliver in a similar timeframe. *Vendor has own transport & is happy to deliver Heifers within 400km of Winton free of charge. Any further would have to be negotiated.*